About me
I live on the west coast of Ireland in a remote, but beautiful corner of the world. In my first career I was a computer programmer. I studied mathematics at university and worked in the technology sector for about 15 years, on and off. Around 2005 I started working a four day week and on my ‘day off’ I would sometimes help my wife out with her business. This ‘helping out’ turned into a full time job and my second career has been running a small organic cosmetics business, something I never expected to do in my life, and which I knew nothing about when I started. But it has turned out to be a lot of fun and I've learned a lot along the way.
I became a change and transition client of Phillip Moffitt’s in 2018, having been familiar with his books for many years. In time that led to joining his two year training programme for C&T strategists, which has been hugely rewarding. I intend to make this my ‘third career’.